Friday, February 15, 2013

How to remove corns on feet?

Corn on foot
Very often, we encounter a problem called corn or calluses. And many have a question: how to remove corns on feet?

Corns can be dry or wet. Wet corn accompanied by the fact that formation of bubbles filled with fluid or bleeding. Over time, in place of such calluses can form a rod that goes deep into the skin. These blisters are very painful and agonizing.

Sometimes even referred to as corns calluses. The reason could be walking barefoot on hard ground or uncomfortable shoe soles. Chronic corns are the result of flat feet. You can not fight with a rod calluses, removing them could specialist who is armed with laser therapy. Available from corns can be removed in the pedicure room, but you can at home.

Removing chronic calluses

They are in the form of thickening of the horny layer of the skin, which are formed from prolonged friction or pressure. Hard corns are usually on the toes and at every step there is a sharp pain. Do not try to cut long-standing firm corn, can be brought infection or injury. In this case, you must apply to the beauty salon.

Corn plasters

To remove calluses found widespread corn plasters, their composition is salicylic acid. Make a warm bath for the feet, and then wiped dry feet. A piece of plaster removed from the cellophane and attached to the corn. Two days later, the patch is removed. If necessary plaster four times until he is separated and corn is tender.

Soap-soda bath

When calluses running, you can delete the pre steam out. To do this, make a weekly soap-soda hot bath for 30 minutes. Corn is not overwritten by a pumice stone. This is inefficient and painful. Corn, which is a short root, themselves fall into a routine pedicure and steaming, about 10 procedures.

How to remove corns on feet

Keratolytic gel or cream

Deep sprouted corn is removed with keratolytic gel or cream, it softens and detach dense and dry calloused education. If you regularly use it, the blisters disappear.

Soft corn

To remove a soft watery blister on foot, you can get rid of, if you take the sanitized needle and green paint process. Then close the punctured blister bactericidal tape. Peel the corn wet cracks and dried, so you can not use iodine or alcohol.

To prevent blisters you can:

Bath with a decoction of oak bark or sea salt.
Before going to bed vegetable oil feet or castor oil in which to add 2 drops of tea tree oil.
Regularly consumed carrot juice mixed with cream. In addition, useful carrot salad in any way with sour cream or vegetable oil.
Choose comfortable shoes. Not worth the time to walk in high heels. To prevent blisters, you need to wear comfortable and soft shoes.
Folk Remedies

Antique Caucasian means

Need to steam the foot in hot water, then wipe the lemon rind and bind with pulp for corn. After 2 days, repeat, then steam the leg and neatly remove the corn.

The juice of fresh potatoes

Raw potato peel and grate. The resulting mass is put on a napkin, folded in several layers of bandage and calluses. After 2 hours of this mass removed and replaced with a new one. Used for the treatment of painful blisters, as anti-inflammatory.

With these tips you can remove corns on feet and other body parts

1 comment:

  1. Different types of astringent powders are available that you can apply to corns, but cover the feet after that. It will remove the sweat or friction that causes corns, so use it daily before wearing shoes. How to get rid of corns on toes with remedies has various steps.
