There are two different kinds of nosebleeds. The one in which the blood comes from the front of the nose is known as the anterior nosebleed. This is caused when the fine capillaries inside the nose break and cause bleeding. The second kind of nosebleed is known as the posterior nosebleed. This occurs at the deepest part of the nose and blood may begin to flow down the back of the throat as well. This is more common in older people or those who suffer face and nose injuries or high blood pressure.
The basic symptom of nosebleeds is the flow of blood from the nose. Since blood is warm, you may feel a little heat in the nose. You may also feel some pressure around the nasal region before the blood starts to trickle down.
Causes of Nose Bleeds
. Dry air is most often associated with a nose bleed.Dry air can irritate the nasal membranes. This causes the formation of crusts, which may then begin to itch. When you try to pick your nose or scratch it from inside, it begins to bleed.
. Extreme cold or some viruses may also be associated with the itching of the nasal membranes. If you blow your nose repeatedly, that too may result in the bleeding.
. Another possible cause of nosebleeds is allergies.Allergies may also cause the drying of the nasal membranes, causing nosebleeds.
. Injuries or blows to the nose are another common cause for nose bleeds. If you receive a blow to your nose, it is possible to rupture a capillary running through it.
Treatment for Nosebleeds
. Clean the blood using a soft cloth. Avoid applying pressure on the site. Next, stand up or lie down to ease the flow of blood and tilt your head a little forward, pinching your nostrils right below the part where your nose is bony. Apply gentle pressure there and the bleeding should stop in a few minutes. If it doesn�t stop, use an ice pack or a cold compress around the nose.
. People who suffer frequent nosebleeds should include more of vitamin K in their diets. Leafy greens like spinach, asparagus, and parsley are great sources of vitamin K. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts can also be included in the diet.
. You can also make a ball of clean cotton and push this up your nose. However you should leave one end hanging out so that you can pull it out. If the cotton gets saturated with blood, you should replace it with another.
. You can also dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a small amount of vinegar. Add some lemon juice to this. Mix this well and hold this close to your nose. You will find that the bleeding stops.
. Chop a piece of raw onion and hold this under your nose. You will find that the fumes of the onion cause the nose bleed to stop since onion acts as a coagulating agent.
. If you notice that your nose is beginning to bleed, you can try a simple remedy before too much blood starts coming out. You can strike a match, low it out and hold the smoking matchstick to the nostril from where the blood is coming. Allow the smell of the burnt matchstick to go up the nostril. Don�t sniff too hard since this will cause the nose to bleed further. Allow the smoky smell to go up your nose. You will find that it stops the nose bleed. You may even have to use a couple of matchsticks but it does work, especially if you are able to try this remedy before your nose starts bleeding profusely.
. You can tear a small piece of the brown paper bag and place it on your upper lip, just below the nose. You will find that this can cause the bleeding to stop.
. You can also fill your mouth with ice cubes and hold them against the roof of your mouth. This works well to stop the bleeding.
. Using a towel filled with ice cubes on the back of your neck can also help stop the nose bleed.
It is important to visit the emergency room under the following circumstances
.When bleeding will not stop or continues on;
.When the blood loss is excessive or the pace is rapid; and
.When feeling faint or weak, which would presumably be from the loss of blood.
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